Little Caesars Fundraiser

Is pizza on your weekly menu, we’ve got you covered.  We are hosting a fundraiser with Little Caesars!  Get your frozen pizza kits and cookie dough in just a few simple steps.  The funds are being raised to help with school activities, so the more we raise the more we can do!  This fundraiser gives us $6.00 for every kit sold, so get your orders in. 

Go to
Click on Products, then Shop
Select Ship My Order to the Group
Enter the Fundraiser ID#, set up your account, and place your order!

Your Organization Name:   Huntley Centennial Public School
Fundraiser ID #:   454976

Order start date: February 10th  Order deadline: March 2nd Delivery will be at the school on Wednesday, March 19th  from 2:30 – 4 pmDon’t forget to pass the word around to friends and family, just make sure they can pick up on March 19th!
If you have any questions please contact