Each year Parent Council will select a few fundraiser events as the focus for that school year. Some events are held annually, such as the Christmas Bazaar, and others are featured events/campaigns aimed at generating school community and raising funds to support the specific needs of the school, children and staff. Check out the Fundraiser Spotlight page to see details on featured fundraising campaigns for this year.
Keep an eye out for emails/flyers outlining new fundraising activities and events! Please check out this page and the Fundraiser Spotlight regularly for details on featured fundraising activities!
A few of our annual school community fundraisers include:
Hot Lunches & Milk Program – Each year parent council will work with a vendor to provide hot lunch options, such as pizza and milk. The program dates and options change from year to year, look out for emails with details on the program for this school year!
Purdy’s Chocolatier – Each year we partner with Purdy’s Chocolatier, offering parents and guardians the opportunity to order boxed chocolates and treats. This fundraiser is generally run in November and early December so those celebrating Christmas and other holiday events may order gifts for their loved ones.
Holiday Bazaar – Children select inexpensive presents for their family from the hundreds of used or unneeded ‘treasures’ that are donated by parents. Parents appreciate the opportunity to recycle items that are not currently in use. Children love to surprise their parents with gifts they alone picked out. One thing is always certain: Whatever gift your child gives you, it’s your treasure now! Volunteers are always needed to sort items, man sales booths, and clean up the gym afterwards.